Dewitt Tabernacle Teaching Series
C.W. Wood
January 2016
The whole religious world was shaken between 1946 and 1956.
In volume 2A, “Visions and Prophesy”, Page 22, the Prophet said,
“If the American people would receive the Message and his Ministry, the world
would see a great Revival. But, he
Predicted they would turn it down, and go into not only gross darkness, but
Spiritual death! We have now lived
to see this Prediction come to pass. The
record stands for all to see that the churches closed their doors to God’s
Prophet and Crucified the Revealed Word, and would not allow it in their
Now, 59 years later, it is evident to the Bride that the Protestant
churches are dead. They are
Spiritually dead now and will be turned into ashes later!
The last plague on Earth is Spiritual death before the Rapture, and the
righteous will walk out upon their ashes. This
is because they rejected the Word. And
so, the Revival that God offered the church world ended, and there has been a
space of time in which the Bride has been laying in the sun getting ripe.
That is to say they have been becoming the Word.
Our Prophet Predicted a Bride Revival, but it could not come until
God’s time, and His time would be when His Word became flesh in His Bride.
171. “Here is what I am trying to say to you. The law of reproduction is
that each specie brings forth after its own kind, even according to GEN. 1:1,
And God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, and the herb yielding
seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself
upon the earth: and it was so.” Whatever
life was in the seed came forth into a plant and thence into fruit.
The very same law applies to the church today.
Whatever seed started the church will come forth and be like the original
seed because it is the same seed. In
these last days, the true Bride Church (Christ’s seed) will come to the
Headstone, and she will be the super church, a super race as she nears Him.
They in the Bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in
His very image. This is in order to
be united with Him. They will be one.
They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God.
Denominations cannot produce this (wrong seed).
They will produce their creeds and their dogmas, mixed with the Word.
This mongrelizing brings forth a hybrid product.”
In this Message
(above) that God gave for the Bride, it is said that the Endtime Bride will end
up being like the original Bride that followed the Ministry of Jesus.
That is to say, they will be a miracle-working church, and the works that
the Bride did 2,000 years ago will be repeated in our day.
This writer is aware that our Prophet taught that the Bride Revival
started when the Mysteries under the 7 seals were revealed an preached.
We are also aware that miracles and supernatural healings have happened
occasionally in the ranks of the Bride. But
to be perfectly honest, we also know that we have not yet seen the Revival that
will follow the Anointing that the Lord Jesus promised when He said in JOHN
14:12, “Verily, Verily I say unto you, he that believeth on Me, the works
that I do shall he do also;----------“ Notice,
the Lord said, He (The Bride) “Shall” do these Works!
In other words, they must have the same Supernatural Ministry that Jesus
and His Disciples had, and it must come before we are taken up to the Marriage
Supper. It is this writer’s
opinion that this Ministry is now in evidence and the Bride has come to the
Headstone (Christ) and she is the Super Church that the Lord spoke to Bro.
Branham about. They are in His very
image and they know what He wants done with His word!
At DeWitt Tabernacle, we have been led to go to the Four Gospels and
study the Revival that the Disciples produced as they followed the teachings of
The Lord Jesus. I would like to now
quote some Scripture that will show us what they did, and what we are coming
into. Man can desire Revival, and
Pray for Revival. He can Fast and
Study about revival, but only God can produce it!
We are now receiving the “Latter Rain”, which is the Anointing
that is now on the Seed that has been planted in Past years.
Some of us have been Praying and Waiting and Watching for a long time for
what we are beginning to See Now! Our
Joy is being made full as we watch Our God answering our Prayers and helping the
sick, the lame the deaf and Blind! LUKE
9:1-2, gives us much food for thought. “Then
He called His twelve disciples together and gave them Power and Authority over
all devils, and to cure diseases, and He sent them to Preach the Kingdom of God
and to heal the Sick.” VERSE 6,
“And they departed and went through the towns, Preaching the Gospel and
healing everywhere.” Now Friends,
these are some Amazing Statements when one takes time to stop and consider them!
Notice that they went to Towns, Plural!
Also notice that they did not just heal a few people here and there, but
they “Healed Everywhere.” If the
people were sick and would receive their Prayers, they were healed!
Question! Were they all
Christians? We know they were not!
No more so then than now, if we should go into a town and expect everyone
to be Christians. Now let’s look
at LUKE 9: 10-11, “And the Apostles, when they returned told Him all
that they had done. And He took them
and went aside privately to a desert place belonging to the city called
Bethsaida. And the people when they
knew it followed Him and He received them and spake unto them of the Kingdom of
God (they were not saved) and healed them that had need of healing.”
Here we see that Divine Healing was the Bait on the hook, used to create
an interest in the Kingdom of God. They
were not only spoken to about the Kingdom, but they were also “shown”
the Power of God by the healing of their bodies.
The Bride today has done much “TEACHING“
about the Kingdom and that is needful. But
now, the lost must also be Shown some Physical Evidence that the Kingdom of God
has come nigh unto them. God’s
program has always been, and remains today, the He proves His Love and His Power
through Divine Healing and Miracles that the honest person cannot deny!
In LUKE 10-1, we read “After these things the Lord appointed
other Seventy also, and sent them two and two before His Face into every City
and Place whither He Himself would come.”
VERSES 17-19, “And the Seventy
returned again with Joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us
through Thy Name. And He said unto
them, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven.
Behold, I give unto you Power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions and Over
all the Power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
These were Disciples sent into the Harvest fields to not only teach
about the Kingdom of God, but also demonstrate it!
Are we His Disciples today? Then
the Power and authority that was given to them, is also given to us!
The Bible teaches this; our Prophet taught it, and now the time has come
for the Bride Revival. And, if you
ask “How can you be so sure?” I
answer, “Because I am looking at it! I
am hearing the testimonies that are coming in after the People in Dewitt
Tabernacle pray. I do not mean to
say that we are the only ones in Revival, because it is to be a worldwide thing
in the ranks of the Bride. The
Bride’s voice will be the Final voice to the lost and to church “Natural”
before the Fire falls. In MATT.
9;35, it is written “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages
teaching in their Synagogues and Preaching
the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Healing every Sickness and every Disease
among the People.” Is this not an
Amazing Statement? Notice!
He went about ALL the cities and villages and healed every
Sickness and Disease! This was the
Bride’s Ministry 2,000 years ago, and it is prophesied to be the Ministry at
the Endtime! QUOTE: “CHRIST IS
THE MYSTERY OF GOD REVEALED” PAGE 83, “Now we see the promise being
fulfilled. Christ, the true Headship
going in---coming in His Bride, doing the same Works
that He did at the beginning and making ready and fulfilling His word as He
did at first in JOHN 14:12, “He that believeth on Me the works that I
do shall he do also.” Then the
Head and the body are becoming one in Works and in Signs and in Life, vindicated
by God Hisself through His promised Word for the last days.
Now, if you’re Spiritual, you’ll catch it.”
We do not mean to imply that this Ministry will be given without a Price
being Paid! It will only be given to
those who have given their life in the Flesh over to the God of Creation.
It is for those who will not say “No” to their God!
If he says “Stop it”, they will Stop it”.
If He says “Do it”, they will do it.
If He says “Go”, they will go.
If He says “Stay”, they will stay.
LUKE 14: 25-27, “And
there were great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, If any man
come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and
brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
And whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me, cannot be my
These verses do not
mean to hate our Family, only that we cannot Put them before our love and
obedience to the Lord Jesus. LUKE
1433-35, “So likewise, whosoever he
be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
Salt is good: but if the salt
hath lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned?
It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but
men cast it out. He that hath ears
to hear, let him hear.”
We see by these verses that the true Bride will have forsaken all that
She has, (If God requires it) in order to receive the Anointing to “bind the
Strong man” and allow our Lord to finish His Work on Earth.
Is such a thing possible??? Has
God commanded such a thing??? Surely
He has! MATT. 6:10, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.”
He told His disciples then, and now, to pray this Prayer.
This is Bride Revival, and it must come to pass before the Rapture!
The fact that we are now seeing the results of such Praying, is a true
Endtime Sign. It is a teaching sent
out to Wake up the Sleeping Bride. Remember
MATT. 25:5, says that both the Foolish and the Wise Slept until the cry
went forth. “The Bridegroom
Cometh.” But now, the Bride is
Awake! Now, A New Day
Has Dawned, Now, a New Anointing has come.
Now, the works that He Promised to be repeated are being done.
Now, we see that Divine Healing is not only The Children’s Bread,
but also for the lost, that they may know that the Kingdom of God is
coming near to them! Now, the last
of those that can be Saved are being “Compelled to Come In”.
They are not only hearing the voice of the Bride, but they are Seeing
the Works and believing. We remember
that our Prophet said that once this Bride Revival reaches its Peak, there will
be Short, Quick work, and then the Resurrection and Rapture!
Also, we remember that Bro. Branham said that God never works in a group
of people, but always with the Individual.
Do we understand then that “all Israel is not Israel?”
Do we understand that all who sit in
a Message church are not Bride? God
is laying the Burden on me and you to Warn the People that the world as we have
known it is about to End. QUOTE:
“And the Word was made flesh and
dwelled among us” And NOW THE WORD’S MADE FLESH in His Church.
God is relying on us of this age to bring this Gospel Light to a
dying, demon-bound, traditional world. God’s
laying the burden on me and you. Woe
unto us if the heathen dies without knowing.”
Lord, help us to now be able to not only teach Your Word to the
lost, but to use the Authority You have given us and show them your
Miracle-working Power, by casting out devils and healing the Sick.
Let this be the Bait on the hook to bring the last ones into the Kingdom.