In a few days a Pope of Rome will visit
America! We have already seen in
the news how that our Government and
many of our great
Protestant Leaders
are ready to
him with open arms! The
doctrinal differences
between Catholic and Protestants were once
considered to be so great that millions died as Martyrs rather than compromise
them! Have these differences
been dissolved? What has happened
to cause leading Protestants to join hands with Rome, which teaching our early
reformers declared to be so far off from the Scriptures?
No, our precious King James Bible has not changed.
But, we are seeing Prophesy fulfilled before our eyes.
The truth of the Word is being compromised
in order to create a World Church, a huge coalition among the religions
of the world. Message believers
understand what is happening, but this sermon is for them to pass on to
friends or even family, who do not
understand. Please use it as a
tool to open some blinded eyes! Amen
C.W. Wood
the unsuspecting soul, a World church in which the peoples of the world come
together in unity in spite of their doctrinal differences may seem to be a
very good thing. But the cry for
unity in this hour is overriding the sound and scriptural teaching that asks
the question, “Can two walk together
except they be agreed?” (Amos
3:3) The implied answer is a
definite, “No” God, speaking through His Prophet, Amos, is rebuking His
people for their disobedience in joining themselves to the worshippers of
The great leaders of religion and government are crying out for peace
(As the scriptures say they will do in the very end-time), and supposing that
such peace can be found in unity
which compromises the truths. God
has never, and will never, compromise His truths in order to bring a mixed up
and confused group of people together, in what some are calling unity!
God’s plan is just exactly the opposite.
Rather than sending His blessings on a group who is willing to
compromise many of their known revelations, He says to us that in order to
have His kind of unity, we must be “Joined together in the same Mind.”
1 Cor. 1:9-10, “God is
faithful, by whom ye were CALLED UNTO THE FELLOWSHIP of His Son, Jesus Christ,
our Lord. Now I beseech you
brethren (speaking to the True church) by
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, THAT YE ALL SPEAK THE SAME THING, AND THAT
Many other scriptures could
be given
to show forth God’s form of unity, but how could He say it any
clearer than what we just read?
God’s Church must be agreed on God’s revealed doctrine!
On March 29th, 1994, an amazing meeting took place.
In the light of what we just read, this meeting and its results are
incredible indeed. On this day,
leading American Protestants signed
an agreement called “Evangelicals and Catholics Together, the Christian
Mission in the Third Millennium.” The
agreement was that Catholics and Protestants would work together to bring 400
million Protestants together with the almost one billion Catholics and thereby
produce a WORLD CHURCH.
Friends, if God will open our spiritual eyes, we will see that
“compromise” is the main goal of the above agreement.
It is an unthinkable admission by Protestants that the Great
reformation produced in Europe by our Fifth Church Messenger,
Martin Luther, was a mistake. It
is to say that
the thousands times
thousands of martyrs killed by the Roman Church before and after The Great
Reformation, was
all in vain.
The doctrinal differences between Protestants and Catholics were once
thought to be so great that millions of Protestants died rather than agree
with Catholicism!
May I say that these differences are
still in existence today, and that the Catholic Church and its move for unity
do not include the changing of their doctrine.
The unity they seek is the forsaking of their beliefs by the
Protestants. According to their
teaching, the world must become Catholic, or pay the price for their unbelief
It is this spirit from the enemy that motivates the Catholic Church to
destroy all who are in disagreement with their doctrine.
They have done so in the past and will do so again as they enforce the
Mark of the Beast.
I emphasize that it is the “SYSTEM’ or the “SPIRIT” that is
behind the Catholic Church that God is against, and not some precious Catholic
people. It is our considered
opinion that if the Catholic people would only take time to study history
concerning their Church, they would not continue in such a system! Such books
as “Foxes Book of Martyrs”, “A Woman Rides the Beast”, and “Fifty
Years in the Church of Rome” give accurate, historical events which prove
the system to be against God’s Word.
How could an honest person, who
knows anything
at all about
the Holy Bible, study the
of Martin Luther, and
still remain a Catholic! Brother
Luther was the man who stood almost single-handed against the powerful Pope of
Rome in his day. He preached from
the pulpit against their doctrine, and then in October of 1517, he wrote his
famous “Ninety Five Theses” and nailed it to the door of Castle Church.
In a short time all of Germany was lighted with Luther’s true
scriptural teaching, and the great Reformation of Europe was on.
Our readers, in what we term “The End-time Message” know these
things, but this sermon is an effort to reach the many families of God’s
Bride, both Protestant and Catholic, who may still not understand what is
happening in the world of religion today.
Let it be said that our motive is not to condemn any person either in
or out of the church, but rather to point out Bible prophesies that are now
taking place before our eyes. It
is written, “My people die for lack of knowledge.”
The knowledge spoken of is not scientific knowledge,
the world is full of that, but it
is the lack of spiritual knowledge that is producing death.
The Bible prophesies a great world Church, that is anti-Christ in
nature, and that it will be embraced by the nations of the world in the
end-time. The scriptures also say
that the God of Heaven will smite these nations with the sword of His Mouth.
He will feed their dead bodies to the fowls that fly in the midst of
Heaven. (Rev. 19:15-18)
Current events of recent years show this church to be
already formed and
adding to itself
more and more members as the final days arrive.
We speak of the church mentioned in Rev.17:1-9 called “Mystery Babylon
the Great, The Mother of
Harlots” (Verse 5), the
Roman Catholic Church. What other
church is drunk with the Blood of the Saints, shed throughout the past
centuries? (Verse 6) What other
church is built on seven mountains
(hills)? (Verse 9) What other
church is now taking back into herself harlot daughters, the Protestant
denominational churches, who once protested Rome’s doctrine, but who now are
compromising truths to be joined to her again.
What other church has as its universal colors purple and scarlet, and
who has the gold of the world in its banks?
(Verse 4) What other world
church leader has held out his hand of fellowship to any and all religious
beliefs of the world today?
The one powerful, and unrelenting aim of the Catholic Church through
the centuries, has been to bring all religions under her spiritual wing.
The God of Heaven, who saw the “End
from the beginning” told us in His Book that this would come to pass in
the end-time.
But the thing that is so disturbing to those who believe the precious
old King James Version of the Bible, is the effect this Pope’s teaching has
had on the leaders of our own Christian nation!
Bible prophesy has been fulfilled before our eyes, and though we have
known it was coming, we are still shocked.
Jesus warned us that the nearness of His return would bring deception
in the churches such as the world has never known.
( Matt. 24:4-5, 11, 24) We
were warned that had God
allowed it, even the Elect
would be deceived by these false ones. They
would be working signs and wonders, but would not at all be Christians.
The Apostle Paul foretold the terrible apostasy that would follow the
establishment of the Roman Catholic Church power on Earth. 11 Thess. 2:3-4,
“Let no man deceive you by any means;
for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that
man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that
is worshipped; So that he, as God, sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God.” Then
in Verse 7 Paul warned “The
mystery of iniquity doth already work.”
Two thousand years ago Paul saw the spirit of anti Christ that was
beginning to creep into the church.
What we are witnessing today did not start in recent years, but
now we have seen the power of Rome take over the minds of men.
Little by little it has increased in strength as it moved forward with
its deceiving work. In
the earlier
years of our nation, men of God, including our 16th President,
Abraham Lincoln, warned against this tide of evil.
In a statement made to a personal friend Charles Chinique, He
said, “It is now evident to me that with very few exceptions, every priest,
and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of liberty…., It is very
certain if the American
people could
learn what I know of the fierce hatred of the priests of Rome against
our institutions, our schools, our
most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties, they would drive them
away tomorrow from among us…” (End quote)
What then is Roman Catholicism? May
we sum it up in a short statement? It
is so-called “Christianity” that
has reached out for fellowship and partnership with all kinds of people, with all kinds of ungodly
beliefs. It is a mixture of the
Knowledge of “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”
as was seen in the Garden of Eden. (Gen. 2:9)
It is a religion whose leaders have forsaken God’s Word that commands
His People to “Be not unequally yoked
together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness. And what
communion hath light with darkness? And
what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or
what part he that believeth with an infidel?
and what agreement hath the Temple of God with idols?.....Wherefore
come out from among them, AND BE
YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing, and I will
receive you.” (1 Cor.6:14-18)
Compare what God said above with this statement by Pope Paul V1 where
he gives the status of “Christians” to all religions.
QUOTE: “The Church (Catholic Church) has this exhortation
(This advice) for her Sons and Daughters: Prudently and lovingly, through
dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions, and in
witness of Christian Faith and Life, acknowledge, preserve and
PROMOTE the spiritual and moral good
found among these people.” (End
This then is
Catholicism; a Religion that embraces all beliefs, even those who deny
Jesus Christ
Lord and King of all. And this is
the system that is producing a WORLD
Church that is so far removed from the
word of God that He will be forced to destroy it.
As the strength and power of this Church has increased, so has the
darkness that is shadowing the world increased.
Where can we find scripture for the worship of Mary?
Where is the scripture for praying the dead out of a place called
Purgatory? What word of God tells
us that in our partaking of The Lord’s Supper, we have changed the simple
bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Christ?
(This is Catholic mass) Where
does God require his ministers to remain unmarried?
Where does the Bible say that any man or any church has the right to
change His written Word? Where do
we have any thought from God that says a
Pope can claim to be infallible (Without error)?
Where is the scriptural authority for a church to put to death those
who are in disagreement with it? (Rome
was mysteriously quite while Hitler murdered over six million Jews)
How can an intelligent person, who
has a Bible, and who claims to believe it, belong to a church that denies so
many of its foundational truths?
The present blindness of our renowned world leaders, as to the evils of
the Catholic Church is a most astounding thing. If
these anti-Word teachings had been
held in secret, as in
centuries past
the people had no Bibles, it would be more understandable.
But, now we not only have Bibles in every home, but the Catholic
teachings have been broadcasted around
the world by their leader. Besides
all of this, God has
provided this nation and the world
with a mighty Sanctuary of Truth in the
form of a Word Prophet.
Scattered around the world in this hour, in obscure places of retreat, hidden away from the world, God’s Bride watches with intent interest the moves of the Harlot Church and her denominational daughters. Her interest is twofold, she watches to see if one more can be pulled from the burning before it’s eternally too late, and she watches so as to know the day and the hour in which we are living.